1997 Ford Aspire Reviews

Reviews and ratings for this Ford vehicle

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Overall Ratings

4.00 based upon 1 reviews

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robertwsmith.... March 3rd, 2022

Very reliable, basic , point A to point B car

I have had this car for over 10 years with minimal problems. Very underpowered as I have the automatic model. I don't have air conditioning and I believe there would be even less power if you have one that does have a/c. It is very basic but serves its purpose well. They have a tendency to burn up engine bearings in the automatic models due to the 3 speed transmission but if you have a manual 5 speed I assume this would fix that issue. I get around 30mpg and the manual gets closer to 40.i would love to have one with a/c but I would definitely recommend buying one if all you need is a point A to point B vehicle. Not good for long road trips due to the 8 1/2 gallon tank. It's also not the most comfortable vehicle. Lots of road noise and seats aren't meant to be in for long periods of time. Great for city driving and maneuverability (if you have power steering, I dont). For what it is it serves its purpose very very well and has great storage with the hatchback. I don't recommend this but I have loaded it up with firewood and it got me home with it in there. Good little car. Currently it has 178,000 miles on it and it burns a little oil, has a little tick when it's cold out upon startup, and I think the engine coolant temperature sensor is bad. All parts are cheap on it so repairs are generally not a big deal. Some are easy to do yourself even. If its what you're looking for I recommend getting one. It most likely won't let you down.
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