1995 Pontiac Grand Am Reviews

Reviews and ratings for this Pontiac vehicle

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2.00 based upon 1 reviews

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lynffin.... January 21st, 2013

i loved my car, but 2 rebuilds later....

my grand am was the first car that i ever purchased that was the exact car that i wanted. i loved it.
the first problem was the brakes locking up and pulling the rear end of the car down, usually at stop signs and almost always in a parking lot or a parking garage. embarrassing to say the least and not a confidence builder.
then came the overheating. which ended up snowballing into the engine needing to be rebuilt.
after the 1800 rebuild, something else happened. maybe about the motor mounts or something else. i don't no. if i could've found the receipt, i would've taken it back to the shop. but i couldn't, so i couldn't.
fast forward to about 3years later & my husband in an effort to return my baby to the road took it in to a shop to see about getting it going again.
that rebuild was so expensive that i'll never be able to sell the car for even half of what we have into it.
it runs now, but door locks don't work, a/c is history... the engine and the hole underside of the car feel like its grinding metal on metal when you drive it. the shocks or struts are shot - whatever it is that protects you from feeling like you've fallen into a ditch when you run over a twig.
body's clean. never been wrecked. no scratches. paint's shiny.
interior's perfect. never been smoked in, no rips, tears or sagging.
so, that's that. i will be the forever owner of one 1995 pontiac grand am.
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