Holmes HAP9242 Reviews

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5.00 based upon 1 reviews

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Holmes HAP9242 Reviews

.... September 21st, 2013

Very happy with the Holmes HAP9242 unit.

I purchased this air purifier on a strict budget a year ago, and have been amazed with its performance. I have the unit set on top of a book shelf, and it has been running non-stop since I bought it. I go through a filter every 3-4 months, and I hand wash the foam screen every time I change a filter. I have a small apartment (maybe 600 sq-ft), and after a few days of purchase, I noticed a massive difference in the air quality. No lasting odors. Dust particles have gone down. And my lungs generally feel less irritated. For heavy air movement, the high setting will filter air very quickly. But for general everyday use, I set the unit on either 1 or 2, and let it do its thing. The best part is (other than the cleaner air), on setting 1 you can't even hear the machine running, and I haven't noticed any serious increase in my electric bill.

The unit has taken a couple of unfortunate dives off of the book shelf (my fault), but suffered no damage at all.
It was the cheapest of all units at the store I had been shopping at, so cost was very reasonable, however the Aer1 filters do seem expensive to me, at 10-14 a filter. But that equals a year of clean air for $50. I can live with that.
Quality is great, and absolutely out-performs expectations.
I have not had to call customer service, so I'm not sure how it is.
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